Nothingness. Somethingess. Everythingness.
This podcast is my very raw mythmap of a new interdisciplinary science that includes an experience of the sacred. Thanks to my spiritual teachers, I start from a non-dual worldview, which completely changes the playing field and possibilities - indeed everything we think we know in Western science - for mind & space.
Just now I’m testing this format out for two types of people who would never listen to the other; Kagyu Buddhist Monks [including kids] who’ve not studied science or any other religion, and Scientists who’ve never experienced Guru devotion, Christian love, or a Mystic life.
In the middle of them, there’s hopefully you. Do join me from your armchair on Sunday nights very soon.
Well, for the first 9 months, I’ll tell you stories about research of mine that hasn’t been published yet.
Yep. Basically it’s a bookclub of not-quite-finished books.
You could call it controversial. Or you could just let it push you way out of your comfort zone, in the sweetest possible way.
The science won’t be presented in the order I uncovered it, but in the order a storyteller needs to tell you about the experience, in a way that will let you relive it with me and then turn it into a pilgrimage of your own.
That way, there’s no need to believe anything I say.
Prove it all for yourself. Tell me what I missed. Recommend whom I should invite to discuss further. And, of course, join the club to imagine a new future for science with me.
Want to peek at THE manuscripts?
Here’s my offerings ...
How exactly, can we kill a kitty with a single glance? And if he’s not dead, how on earth do we catch a CCTV of where he went? This is one of the greatest conundrums in modern physics. And its the first detective job we need to take on, to uncover the scientific truth about spacetimemind. Aided & abetted by a C14th Buddhist Master [an early incarnation of my current personal Guru], I want to show you there is a classic, deterministic reality hidden under each seemingly random, quantum mechanical world, just like Einstein hoped there would be. The reason we don’t see it, is because we don’t use our mind’s eye in stereo or real time ! But once we do, we can’t unsee how things really are - and then we can save Schroedinger’s Cat and a whole menagerie of other scientific conundrums as well.
Creation is a Hero’s journey, much like a movie, much like the story of Erwin’s Cat. At its simplest, there are 7 steps that open & close spacetime. And every one of us, no matter whether we’re Fashion designers or Aerospace designers follow the arc of these steps, whether we know it or not. Of course, if we can become more conscious of our intuitive journey by making and using a map, we can exponentially increase our potential to change the world. I’ve been showing corporate Innovators & Entrepreneurs how to work with The Map of Creation to invent billion Euro products, for the last 15 years. Now I want to show you how to use it for your own Hero’s journey in creativity, emotional maturation & spiritual development.
Once we know the fundamental structure of creation, we need to meet its variations. Ideally, we’ll look at what’s immediately around us and discover additional layers of truth. We’ll be able to play with the patterns, dance with them, retell their stories and innovate our lives with the insights they give. That’s what the Dreaming Tools are about. They were my first pilgrimage & experiment in combining the wisdom of indigenous archetypes with modern science & business. With help from my Nyoongar activist & Adnyamathanha shaman friends, I want to now show you how we can start to make use of our dream symbols and daily synchronicities, to better understand our mind, strengthen our connection to space and improve our ability to innovate. You can prepare by reading this Kindle book, if you like.
Here, I want to dig deep into perhaps the ultimately creative journey of 7 steps - one we can take in our daily lives, no matter what we actually do. It’s a way to merge our mind & the universal heart, to dissolve the sense of separation between ourself & others, to wipe out shame and loneliness and broken-heartedness. For all its sweetness, it’s a completely radical path to experience maximum joy not by counting our own blessings & gifts, but by giving them. Millions of them. That’s an impossible task, of course. Way beyond ‘fair’ and far outside social norms. Yet becoming expert at this extreme mental sport will not just set us on a path toward lasting happiness at some time in the future, but help us embody it, in every ‘now’. Followup with this Kindle book, if you like.
In physics we call the Map of Creation a ‘Theory of Everything’ [TOE]. I worked on this for my first PhD in the early 1990’s, believing that if there really is a great symbol that explains everything, it must be everywhere. As Einstein and all the Greats of science suggested, God’s mind must be in his creation and the rest are details. So a TOE cannot just patch gaps in physics, it must transcend subjects, be visible everywhere and explain the origin of life, love & all the rest, simply enough to fit on a T-shirt. I did find exactly such a fractal hologram before anyone cared - and of course lately a lot of renowned academics and fringe scientists talk about it too. Basically it’s the picture the missing page 25 of the CIA Gateway Project Report should have shown. Now I want to introduce you to the very most important thing about it - its starting and finishing point, its indescribably beautiful, non-dual mindheart. This is a story that resolves every single contradiction in the universe and reveals a #WorldUnbroken, one truth for all.
This is what the Map of All Creation looks like in 3D & infinite dimensions. Expanding the basic archetypal form in A Story of Itself, I now want to show you what I found in the rest of my radical and unacceptable PhD … photographic evidence of how this grand & simple symmetry is evident fractally at the micro & macro scale, in seas & trees & stars & sky, to say the very least. I’ll tell you how to unify all our equations for energy & matter in a way a 7-year-old can understand. I’ll reveal how to see the truth in thousands of scientific graphs and dozens of pipe-cleaner & putty models of torsional mechanics. You’ll find the cosmic hologram strangely looks both like a blueprint for a Free Energy vehicle or UAP and the CIA model for the mind. We’ll explore the expansion of earth & cosmos & ‘personal consciousness’. And then we’ll touch something scientific theories can’t usually touch - not just how, but also why Spacetimematter & GodConsciousness must themselves exist.
The mathematical fractality & archetypal symbolism of the cosmos seem to be intertwined. It’s written into our very bodies, as well as into rocks & stars, spacetime & mind. In this case, the architecture of our brain itself seems to correspond with the telling of ancient myths and revelation of meditation. Is this one of the reasons why we are said to be made in the image of the Gods? Is humanity destined to be their mirror? Otherwise why do the stone carvings of the ancient Maya [which can only be seen with stereoscopic vision] match our brain slices so exactly? And what do Rorschach inkblots have to do with the story? And how can the methods of Theravada Buddhist Arhats help us understand what the ancient Maya and Hermann Rorschach might have also secretly known? This is a continuing detective story of implicate, embodied, embedded, extended & unfolding mind.
Now before we go too far in trying to use science to explain religion, let us take a moment to figure out what is happening at the core of Buddhist meditation itself. In this work, I want to show you the internal structure of Vajrayana Buddhist meditation - the kind that tells us how spacetime is created & uncreated, the kind that tells us how our bodies are formed from nothingness and dissolve into the same place, the kind that shows us the ideal, highest union of the divine feminine & masculine, the kind that tells us why we need a saviour figure to access our own truest nature. We need to get this story straight before we head toward a final understanding of how a creator of all spacetime can exist and become more than just a role model for our evolution.
Finally, we come to the point where we can almost integrate everything we’ve experienced through meditation with everything we’ve uncovered about spacetime, mind & matter in both science & religion. This is the second-last step in my research, where I can definitively show you that Buddhas must, mathematically, exist in the Universe as energy forms. Strangely, they look like us. So this time, the question of who we are ‘made in the image of’ comes to a whole other level. This research project matches Mandelbrot fractals with Buddhist artwork from thousands of years ago, as well as with photographs of modern teachers and google maps of hundreds of square km of French countryside to become a kind of DNA test for finding the divine. Grab your own copy of the basics on Kindle, here.